Verse of the Day: March 19, 2024

🤝 ”Adonai, You are my God, I will exalt You, I will praise Your Name, for You have done wonderful things, plans of old with steadfast faithfulness.“
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭25‬:‭1‬ ‭TLV‬‬
🤝 this verse is great because it tells us a couple of different things. It tells us that one way to worship is to praise our God. This is something that we should be doing all the time. And not just starting the good stuff either: where to be praising our Lord in all parts of our life. We’re supposed to praise him during those late nights with the baby when there’s poop all over the wall and we are supposed to praise him when you’re engaged and you’re supposed to praise him when you’re looking for a job no matter what’s going on in your life you’re supposed to praise Him! But some people might be asking why?!? And the reason is because he has done wonderful things and has a beautiful plan for us through Jesus our Messiah. We are not just creatures, whose existence mean nothing. Instead, we are children of our father in heaven, who loves us. When you choose to open up your heart to our Lord, you will feel and find rest, and then be able to go out into the world to share that message of Hope with others. That is what we are called to do that is why we are called to praise him in all parts of our life. #versroftheday #tuesdaythoughts #bibleblogger #biblejunkjournal #biblequotes #proverbs31mom #proverbs31 #proverbs31wannabe #jewsforjesus #heredim #messagemefordetails

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